Student Attendance:
The Return of '8 You Skate' Rule

Beginning fourth quarter, on March 22nd, Diamond Ridge will begin enforcing the “8 You Skate” rule (for complete information, see your DRHS Student-Parent Handbook). Here’s a brief summary:
- Absences are recorded by class period, not by entire school day
- More than 8 absences may result in reassignment to a student’s boundary school
- Students can make up some absences by working with teachers on Friday mornings
- Absences will only be excused by a doctor’s note that is provided to the school within three (3) days of the student’s absence
- Please contact the office immediately if your student tests positive for or has been exposed to Covid-19
So why is this happening now? As many of you remember from orientation, regular student attendance is a really big deal at Diamond Ridge!! Unfortunately, many of our current students are struggling lately, skipping multiple classes and even entire days of school.
Here’s why attendance is so important:
- Failing classes. Students who attend at least 90% of their Diamond Ridge classes and turn in their work pass every class! This is equivalent to missing less than four days per nine-week quarter.
- Low grades. We only accept students to Diamond Ridge who are capable of graduating from high school. Excessive absences drag down your student’s ability to make A’s and B’s, even though they have the ability to make those good grades.
- More catching up and homework. Absences are hard on students who already need to make up failed classes from their prior schools.
- It’s harder! Students who stay home from school or skip certain classes actually make it harder on themselves! Diamond Ridge classes are designed so that students who are in school every day and turn in their work don’t have large amounts of homework.
With a waiting list for students to enroll at Diamond Ridge, we want to make sure our current students have every chance to pass every class, stay enrolled at Diamond Ridge and graduate with us!
Please contact me directly, at 801-826-9901, with any questions you may have or specific circumstances that may be affecting your student. I also am happy to talk with your student. Just let me know.
Thank you so much – and Go Raptors!
Amy Boettger, Principal