SCC meeting
Tue, 19 Nov 24
Student Updates & Success Stories
- Current enrollment is at capacity:
- 190 total students enrolled for 24-25 school year (up from 78 at the beginning of the year last year)
- 81 seniors (completely full)
- Limited space for juniors
- Only ~15-20 spots for sophomores
Chromebook Program Status
- Teacher feedback collected on classroom-based Chromebooks
- Key benefits:
- Devices always available and charged
- Less damage than when students took them home
- Smoother operations now after initial adjustment
- Challenges:
- Some teachers prefer previous system
- Converting back would require:
- 40+ hours of staff time
- 15-20 hours just to dismantle charging carts
- Not feasible until summer at earliest
- IT resources may be limited due to other projects
Safety Concerns
- Discussed Safety Concerns for Diamond Ridge and Entrada campus.
Academic Performance Data
- GPA trends across quarters:
- Q1: 2.6
- Q2: 2.4
- Q3: 2.2
- Decline partially attributed to influx of new students
- Planning direct marketing to credit-deficient sophomores at other schools
- Working with Instructional Coach to identify potential students
- Focus on reaching students who could benefit from smaller environment
- Special emphasis on Hillcrest High School students