9800 South 800 East – Sandy, UT 84094
801.826.9900 | FAX:  801.826.9909


Diamond Ridge has a lot of updates and can start helping you and your students directly!  But first, some rules to help keep everyone healthy and safe:

  1. ALL students MUST wear a face mask in the building.  We do not have face masks available, so students will need to have their own.  Need to make a face mask? Here is a link to several no-sew face mask options:  https://sarahmaker.com/how-to-make-a-no-sew-face-mask-with-at-home-materials/
  2. Students must enter Diamond Ridge ONLY using the back door by the picnic table.  (East side of the building.)  Please do not use any other entrances.
  3. All meetings will occur in Diamond Ridge’s Credit Recovery Lab, using proper social distancing guidelines and room sanitizing after each student.
  4. There is only one set of bathrooms that will be available.  We ask that everyone wash their hands before and after using the facilities.
  5. There are no meals available for breakfast or lunch.  Please do not bring snacks or plan on eating while you’re here.

Now, for the updates …

NEW OFFICE HOURS:  Beginning Monday, May 11, Diamond Ridge’s Main Office will be open Monday thru Thursday from 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM by APPOINTMENT ONLY.  Call us at 801.826.9900 to schedule a time.  

COUNSELOR APPOINTMENTS:  Call Counselor Suzy Santos at 801.826.9922 to talk or schedule an appointment to meet with her. She can answer questions including how close your Senior is to graduation, summer school plans, etc.

CREDIT RECOVERY/COMPUTER LAB/TUTORING:  The lab will also be open Monday thru Thursday from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM by APPOINTMENT ONLY until May 26, 2020.  Here’s what to do for help, test-outs, testing, tutoring, and more:

  1. Call Diamond Ridge at 801.826.9900, or text Lacee Le Prey at 801.520.3428 to schedule an appointment to work in the computer lab on classwork and/or credit recovery. Appointments are one per day for up to two (2) hours, following the safety rules listed above.
  2. Teachers will be available for appointments too! Please contact the teacher directly!

As Utah has moved to an ‘orange’ level of COVID-19 response, please be aware that at any time these arrangements could change and Diamond Ridge will not have this option.  We will continue to keep you updated as information becomes available.  Diamond Ridge is currently working on a similar plan, as outlined above, for summer school availability and hours.  Dates and times will be announced towards the end of the school year.

Thank you!

Diamond Ridge High School