Moving Forward!
Counselor Message from Suzy Santos: There is one more guidance lesson available on Canvas. This lesson is on moving forward, and as with the other lessons, can be accessed by logging into Canvas and selecting the “Guidance Lessons” class. From the home page of the course, your student will need to click on “Modules” on the left side of the page and then select the Moving Forward lesson. This lesson is a video, so there is no need to download anything – they can just access the video by clicking on the arrow. There is also an interesting YouTube video on famous failures as well as a short exit survey.
As always, I am available if you have any questions. This particular lesson addresses future plans, and I’m happy to meet with you and your student if you want to talk about options after high school. If I can be of any assistance, please contact me at 801.826.9922 – suzanne.santos @csddocs.org OR suzanne.santos@canyonsdistrict.org